Mrs. Wayne’s Class Page

Just another weblog

Philosophy of Teaching April 14, 2010

Anna and Will, 2008“It is significant to realize that the most creative environments in our society are not the ever-changing ones.  The artist’s studio, the researcher’s laboratory, the scholar’s library are each deliberately kept simple so as to support the complexities of the work-in-progress.  They are deliberately kept predictable so the unpredictable can happen.” -Lucy Calkins

I have learned some of my most valuable teaching lessons while spending time in special education classrooms.  During my undergraduate studies, I worked closely alongside students with various learning and behavior disorders, as well as physical disabilities. In these classrooms, I was able to witness extraordinary educators that were working hard to give each student exactly what they needed. The dynamic atmosphere found in a special education classroom inspired me to transfer these teaching methods into my regular education first grade classroom.

I believe the most important aspect of teaching any grade level is creating a positive classroom climate. I want my students to feel welcomed and excited to come to school each morning.  In my classroom, I plan instruction that is centered around building a community of learners. When referring to a community of learners, I mean that over the course of the year, students become comfortable sharing and taking academic risks because they are supported by their fellow classmates, as well as a teacher who is cheering them on every step of the way. Community building activities such as Star Student, Character Building Lessons, Prayer Circles, Shared Reading, and Author’s Chair are used on a regular basis.

Another key component of my teaching is open communication with parents. This communication is established on the first day of school and continues throughout the school year. From weekly newsletters to updates on the class webpage, parents are included and encouraged to take part in their child’s academic journey.


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